Psychologist Toowoomba | Family & Child Psychology

Our administration services are closed on Thursdays and Fridays. If you require urgent assistance, please contact 000 or visit your nearest hospital emergency department or local GP.

'Practical Solutions for a Better Life'

Our psychologists are members of the Australian Psychological Society

Our psychologists are members of the Australian Psychological Society


How Our Psychologists Can Help You


Our psychologists and clinical psychologists provide a variety of services specifically designed to support the health and well-being of your mind and emotions. Initially established in Toowoomba by Clinical Psychologist Dr. Pamela Seaton in 2006, our practice has helped thousands of people of all ages and from all walks of life achieve better mental health and overall wellbeing.

The fast pace of daily life can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed, and we often don't take the time we need to take care of ourselves. The psychologists at our practice can help you understand how your mind, behaviors, and emotions interact while providing you with personalized strategies designed to improve your ability to more effectively navigate life’s ups and downs.

Every psychologist at our practice uses scientifically researched and evidence-based assessment and therapeutic strategies coupled with empathy, compassion, and courtesy.

Your psychologist will work in partnership with you and take the time to find which therapeutic approach will work best for your individual situation. There is no one size fits all formula for achieving better mental health, which is why having the guidance of an experienced psychologist can be so useful.


About Our Psychologists


The therapists at our practice offer their clients respect, care, and encouragement, and provide them with new skills, so they can shape their lives in more satisfying ways. Our current clinical staff includes Dr. Pamela Seaton and Barbara Stubbs. Every psychologist at our practice is registered with the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). You can, therefore, rest assured that your psychologist will provide you with a high level of professional care and service.


Fees & Rebates


Regional & Rural Mental Health Services is a mixed billing psychology practice. Fees for our services vary depending on the psychologist you see and the type of service you require. To help as many people as possible, our service fees are designed to fit the individual circumstances of each client. This requires us to vary our service fees depending on the funding pathways available to each client.

We understand that navigating the different funding pathways to access psychological services can sometimes seem daunting. The link below will provide you with up to date information about our service fees.

Feel free to contact our administration team if you wish to discuss our billing policy and fee schedule for our psychology services further.


Accessing a Psychologist if You Live Outside of Toowoomba


Although our psychologists are primarily based in the Toowoomba Region, they regularly see clients who live outside of this area. The inclusion of Medicare Rebates for accessing psychological services via video conferencing technologies, such as Zoom, has helped many people living outside of the Toowoomba Region get help from a psychologist. More information about Medicare Rebates for psychological therapy using video conferencing technologies can be found in our blog article titled Medicare Funded Online Therapy Sessions.

NDIS participants living outside of the Toowoomba Region can also use video conferencing technologies if psychological services are included as part of their NDIS plans. Our psychologists regularly connect with NDIS participants from many parts of South Western Queensland and Northern New South Wales.  

For many people traveling to regional centers like Toowoomba to see a psychologist is just not practical. In most cases, psychological therapy requires quite a number of sessions with a psychologist. The cost of travel, as well as time taken off work, can add up, and be a real barrier to seeing a psychologist for many people. The inclusion of telehealth therapy sessions to our practice has been a real game changer for many people living in regional and remote areas outside of Toowoomba. If you would like to know more about our Zoom-based psychological services, please feel contact our practice manager. He will be able to answer any questions you may have about referrals, service fees and even the technical stuff required to get the ball rolling.  

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How to Make a Booking


Dr Pamela Seaton and Barbara Stubbs are now accepting new clients.

If you are unsure which psychologist is the best fit for you, that's OK. Below is some information that will make it easier for you to choose.


  • Dr Pamela Seaton is a Clinical Psychologist and can diagnose and provide therapeutic intervention for mental health conditions and behavioural issues.

  • Barbara Stubbs is a Registered Psychologists. Registered psychologists can perform psychological assessments, formulate a working diagnosis and provide therapeutic intervention for mental health conditions and behavioural issues.  

  • All our psychologists are warm, friendly and non-judgmental.

  • Clinical psychologist Dr Pamela Seaton is an ASD (formerly Asperger's Syndrome) specialist. She is arguably the most experienced clinical psychologist in this field, in Toowoomba. Dr Seaton is the founder and Principal Psychologist of Regional & Rural Mental Health Services.

  • Psychologist Barbara Stubbs specialises in the assessment and therapeutic intervention of ASD and developmental disorders in children, teens and adults. Barbara has extensive experience with psychological assessment and therapy. She has also helped many families in the Toowoomba Region navigate the NDIS system.  

  • Bookings with our psychologists and clinical psychologists can be made by contacting us using the button below.